Timothy Egan – Short Nights of the Shadow Catcher

shadowcatcherJust finished reading a wonderful book “Short Nights of the Shadow Catcher” about Edward S. Curtis who photographed, studied and described many North American Native tribes in 1898-1928. A book by Timothy Egan (2012) who did extensive research to write this book. Edward Curtis was a very fascinating man! What a story this book is and what an achievement of this man from Seattle! Perseverance at its best.
Fun detail: The native name of Edward Curtis was “Man Who Sleeps On His Breath”. It was given to him by the Hopi because he slept on an air mattress.
I recommend this book if you are interested in Native Americans or American history or well documented biographies or an exciting story!
And how fortunate I am to be reading it … with a view on Mount Hood, Oregon, where Curtis took pictures as well. In the local bookstore (Powell’s) I found one of the books by Curtis with many beautiful photo’s.
Portraits and way of living:





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