[:nl]Otto Scharmer and Katrin Kaufer – Leading from the emerging future[:en]Otto Scharmer and Katrin Kaufer – Leading from the emerging future[:]

[:nl]leadingfromemergingfutureAs part of my online course at EdX called “U.Lab: Transforming Business, Society, and Self” this book was recommended reading material. This course concentrates on the transformation from EGO-system tot ECO-system economies. From economies that are serving their own EGO or interest groups to economies that benefit the whole. The book is applying change theory “Theory U” to the world as it is right now. Giving an elaborate analysis of eight dimensions of economic evolution and full of great examples of applying Theory U in practices all around the world.
It’s an inspiring book that makes me want to take action, to explore what I can do to support an emerging future that is directed towards creating an ECO-system that serves the whole. And practical at the same time stimulating to make and try out my own prototype. It’s practical for business, personal development and politics all at the same time. A must read!
Next step: my prototype. [:en]leadingfromemergingfutureAs part of my online course at EdX called “U.Lab: Transforming Business, Society, and Self” this book was recommended reading material. This course concentrates on the transformation from EGO-system tot ECO-system economies. From economies that are serving their own EGO or interest groups to economies that benefit the whole. The book is applying the change theory “Theory U” to the world as it is right now. Giving great examples of applying Theory U in practices all around the world.
It’s an inspiring book and makes me want to take action, to explore what I can do to support an emerging future that is directed towards creating an ECO-system that serves the whole. And practical at the same time. It’s practical for business, personal development and politics all at the same time. A must read! [:]

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